Looking for: Ashampoo snap 9 handbuch free.Ashampoo Snap 12 Free License – Screen Capturing Utility [Worth $15] Click here to DOWNLOAD Ashampoo Snap 11 Manual - PDF Free Download Ashampoo Snap 11 is a screen capturing software for your windows system. The читать далее lets you capture both images and videos, plus it offers a full-fledged editor to edit your screenshots. To cut down this process, save your time and offer multiple screen capture options, the German software developer Ashampoo Ashampoo snap 9 handbuch free provides an all-in-one screen capturing tool called Ashampoo Snap Once you installed this app, you will never turn back to the Print Screen key Prt Sc to handle screenshots. With this windows software, it takes only seconds to capture images and videos right from your screen with смотрите подробнее precision. You can edit the screenshots with several tools: Change the color, highlight areas, change the size, add graphics or sta...